Our Mission

Cal's Angels Promotes Pediatric Cancer Awareness

Cal's Angels is a 501(c)(3) pediatric cancer foundation with a mission of granting wishes, raising pediatric cancer awareness, and funding research to help kids fighting cancer. Because we have lived the battle with pediatric cancer, we understand what these families are going through. The help that we provide these families through our programs is a great resource when they need it the most.

By educating the public about the realities of pediatric cancer, we aim to foster greater understanding and support for affected children and their families. Join us in spreading the word and making a difference in the fight against pediatric cancer!

Cal's Angels At A Glance

Pledged To Chicagoland Hospitals


Pledged To Chicagoland Hospitals

Wishes Granted


Wishes Granted

Toys Distributed


Toys Distributed

Directed Right
To Our Mission


Directed Right
To Our Mission

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