Ella Joy

Ella Joy

Ella Joy went through numerous chemotherapy treatments, spinal taps, bone marrow aspirations, ER visits, other drugs, pokes and procedures for 2 1/2 years.


“This past March 17, 2017, Ella Joy relapsed with t-cell leukemia. We took an emergency flight to Seattle, Washington to take her to the Seattle Children's Hospital ER. She went through several rounds of high dose chemotherapy, total body irradiation and an additional cranial radiation treatment because cancer was found in her spinal fluid. She had 90% cancer blasts in her bone marrow. Asaph, her younger brother was a perfect bone marrow match, thank God!

Ella Joy had her bone marrow transplant on July 3, 2017. This date marks a new transplant birthday for Ella Joy and Asaph, her donor! She is still taking 2 tubs worth of several drugs in the morning, afternoon, and night, and we go to the hospital every two weeks for labs and clinics. It has been quite a challenging journey for Ella Joy!

Please pray with us that she would continue to have ZERO cancer and NEGATIVE MRD. We appreciate all your encouragement and thank you for continuing to pray for Ella Joy with us!” 

At age 4, Ella Joy was diagnosed with Stage 4 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (t-cell). At age 8, she relapsed with t-cell leukemia.  

Annie, Ella Joy's Mom
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