Hi, my name is Robbie Tesmond. I had stage 3 Wilms Tumor, a.k.a., kidney cancer. My tumor covered my right kidney and went up through a vein called the vena cava and stopped right at my heart. I went through a really rough time when I had cancer. I had chemo, which seemed like forever to me. I also had radiation which is like a laser that burns you. I wasn't able to eat a lot of food because everything burned my mouth and throat when I ate food, so I lost a lot of weight. I also had to have my kidney taken out, which only allows me to have 20% of strength in my stomach. When they took out my kidney, a blood clot developed and it is still there today. It is kind of scary to be honest.
My cancer has been gone for a long time, but there are somethings that happened because of the treatment. I have been in physical therapy for 7 years because the chemo damaged my nerves in my hands and feet. Sometimes, it's hard to play with kids who haven't had cancer, because when my feet hurt, or if I'm not as fast as them, they don't understand why. I am telling you this because it is important for me and the other kids who have had cancer for you all to understand why we are GOING GOLD for the month of September.
Childhood cancer only gets 4% of funding from the government. There have also only been a couple of new medicines made in over 20 years. I hear from people all of the time that they are happy my cancer is gone. I am too, but I really wish I didn't have pain in my legs and feet every time I play with my friends outside and I wouldn't feel as tired so quickly. This is why we need BETTER medicine for kids with cancer! I don't want anyone else to feel this way. Thanks everyone, and don't forget to GO GOLD in SEPTEMBER for childhood cancer awareness!
Robbie was diagnosed with Stage 3 Wilms Tumor at age 2 1/2.