

No child should ever have to go through this.

On August 26, 20XX, when Ryan's headaches and vomiting had become too frequent, his parents took him to Edwards Hospital's ER. Late that night Ryan was rushed by ambulance to Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital. After 2 craniotomies, biopsies and 11 days his parents worst fears were confirmed. Ryan had medulloblastoma, brain cancer. For the next year, Ryan received 31 hits of proton radiation, 44 outpatient doses of chemo and 12 doses of inpatient chemo. He also got numerous platelet and blood transfusions every month. His platelets didn't come back to where they needed to be to receive more chemo so he ended up missing his last 6 doses of inpatient chemo. His body was done with the chemo and through the work of his doctors and the prayers of those who love him his last MRI showed that his cancer appeared to be gone. Ryan has been amazing through this horrible journey. No child should ever have to go through this. Ryan is upset by what he went through and wants to help bring awareness so someday children like him won't go through what he did. Fortunately for him, he rang his bell on August 14, 20XX and presented a check to Lurie's for $4392 from an online and in-person lemonade stand he had.

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