One Million to Cal's Angels Drug Discovery Fund
August 21, 2019

One Million to Cal's Angels Drug Discovery Fund

We are so excited to announce that with our most recent donation to Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago, the Cal's Angels Drug Discovery Fund has reached the ONE MILLION dollar mark! These additional funds will advance pediatric cancer research in the following ways:

  • The purchase of the first Echo 550 robotic drug screening system, which works 382 times faster than a human.
  • The acquisition of a new and updated drug library, increasing drug options to over 11,000, to support the work of Dr. Xiao-Nan Li. This is a critical path as the drugs are needed to even begin a clinical trial.
  • Salary support for research staff.

In 2017 we advanced our mission and commitment to pediatric cancer research and we will NOT stop until a cure is found. However, this is the next step to finding more treatment options with less toxicity and eradicating the horrific side effects associated with pediatric cancer. Every child deserves more!

It is through the generous support of our donors and volunteers that this is possible, so a huge heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you!

November 4, 2016

Cal's Angels funds Lurie Children's groundbreaking children's cancer research

Cal’s Angels partners with Lurie Children’s Hospital and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine to create new treatments for children’s cancers and save more children’s lives.

December 15, 2016

Lurie's Update: December 2016

I would like to express my appreciation for the support and thoughtfulness Cal’s All-Star Angel Foundation has demonstrated in order to provide brighter futures for children and their families. Your investment is enabling us to obtain the necessary personnel and resources to pursue breakthrough research that will produce increasingly more individualized and effective treatments for our patients.

June 1, 2017

Lurie's Update: June 2017

Your support will accelerate our efforts in pediatric drug discovery, making it possible to bring new therapies from the laboratory to human clinical trials in a more efficient and cost-effective way.


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